


17th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) Portoroz, Slovenia, 14-17 of October 2014

17th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) Portoroz, Slovenia, 14-17 of October 2014

Author: Leonidas Somakos/Tuesday, November 11, 2014/Categories: News, Meetings

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Project RECDEV (www.recdev.eu) funded by Lifelong Learning Programme - Leonardo da Vinci /EACEA, was represented in ERSCP 2014 conference which took place in Portoroz, Slovenia between 14-17 of October 2014.

Representatives from all partners participated in ERSCP 2014 proceedings with various activities of which the main was the dissemination and promotion of the projects’ goals and aims.

From day one, Tuesday the 16th, the partnership set up a stand in the Venue’s main lobby, in which a large monitor, supported by two tablets and a laptop, presented both the Projects website and ver.12 of the 3D Training Platform, familiarizing delegates of the conference and potential learners/users with the disassembly and identification of types & qualities of materials embodied in Electrical and Electronic Devices/Waste.

On the same day, RECDEV participated in a Synergies meeting with TREO Project (funded also by Lifelong Learning Programme - Leonardo da Vinci, Partnerships) in which we were invited to present our project and main aims/goals. Interesting discussions were exchanged and conclusions were drawn. 

Various leaflets and newsletters were handed out in English, Slovenian, Czech, Romanian, French, German and Greek languages, while visitors and delegates from the conference had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the 3D software, submit questions and discuss with RECDEV’s representatives the various aspects of the project, future plans and final deliverables.

RECDEV representatives had the opportunity to promote and disseminate the project in a wide range of delegates such as Academics, Representatives of Various Business Sectors, VET suppliers, Public Servants, Scholars, Research Institutes etc.

On Wednesday the 15th, Slovenian Recycling Company ZEOS, which supports our project, brought their mobile bus for RECDEV representatives and offered them a visit and a short tour of the WEEE Recycling promotional/educational programme to schools, giving the opportunity to discuss best practices and available techniques.

On the same day there was a special open session for RECDEV project as part of the official ERSCP programme, in which representatives from two Slovenian Recycling Companies, which had already expressed interest in our project, were invited for a short project presentation. Participants had the opportunity to discuss the project goals and aims, exchanged ideas for developing it further and discussed if and how the expected final deliverable/tool can be useful for the relevant sector. The discussions were very interesting and gave the opportunity for RECDEV representatives to get feedback from the “real” world of recycling and thus bettering their activities towards satisfying the recipients, i.e. the WEEE recycling Industry.

On Thursday the 16th, just after the conclusion of the Conference, Project RECDEV held an official Steering Committee in order to sum up the results of ERSCP participation, the conclusions that were drawn by communicating with various representatives of many different scientific and business sectors and make an update of the recent developments.

ERSCP 2014 participation was very interesting and successful for RECDEV project, since its representatives had the opportunity to promote and disseminate the project in a rather large number of people of various scientific disciplines as well as present for the first time in public a draft version of the 3D training platform in order to get feedback of its various aspects.

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RECDEV | Innovative solutions for WEEE Recycling Industry


Project number540527-LLP1-2013-1-GR-LEONARDO-LMP

Contract no. 3013-3087/001-001

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