


Portoroz Steering Committe

Streering Committe and participation to the conference

ERSCP 2014 conference. The ERSCP is one of Europe's most remarkable conferences in its field and has taken place periodically since 1994. ERSCPs favour discussions about the key issues in sustainable consumption and production; the exchange of thoughts, knowledge, experiences and SCP proposals; and the creation of a European (also worldwide) community of research and practice in sustainable consumption and production. The main goal of the ERSCPs is to encourage discussion amongst stakeholders involved in sustainable consumption and production: businesses, public institutions, universities, institutes and research centres, NGOs, SMEs, professional associations, decision-makers, etc.
Sunday, June 8, 2014/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (5525)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Meetings
Visit at recycling center 'GREENWEEE International' in Buzau, Romania, 21 May 2014

Visit at recycling center 'GREENWEEE International' in Buzau, Romania, 21 May 2014

On the 21st of May the participants of the workshop in Bucharest visited the recycling center 'GREENWEEE Intrnational' in Buzau, Romania.

Friday, May 30, 2014/Author: Leonidas Somakos/Number of views (6544)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Meetings
Meeting/Workshop in Bucharest, Romania, 20 May 2014

Meeting/Workshop in Bucharest, Romania, 20 May 2014

On the 20th of May the partnership organised an extra dissemination activity (with the approval of EACEA) in Bucharest, Romania.

Friday, May 30, 2014/Author: Leonidas Somakos/Number of views (5327)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Meetings

RECDEV | Innovative solutions for WEEE Recycling Industry


Project number540527-LLP1-2013-1-GR-LEONARDO-LMP

Contract no. 3013-3087/001-001

Acest proiect a fost finanţat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene.<0} Această publicaţie (comunicare) reflectă numai punctul de vedere al autorului şi Comisia nu este responsabilă pentru eventuala utilizare a informaţiilor pe care le conţine.
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