


One Day Event/ Synergies Meeting, in Larissa, Greece

One Day Event/ Synergies Meeting, in Larissa, Greece


Author: Translator-GR/lundi 2 novembre 2015/Categories: Meetings

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The lead partner of Infocycle Project, the Appliances Recycling S.A., the only officially national authorized collective scheme for WEEE, as well as, the supervising authority of our main pilot company EKAN S.A., is organizing a one day event in the city of Larissa and our project has been invited to participate. Representatives from the lead partner will participate in order to promote RECDEV project via synergies and bilateral meetings with WEEE producers/ recyclers and social stakeholders.

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RECDEV | Innovative solutions for WEEE Recycling Industry


Project number540527-LLP1-2013-1-GR-LEONARDO-LMP

Contract no. 3013-3087/001-001

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