


Κατάλογος δικαιούχων στην Ελλάδα

Όνομα Εταιρείας Στοιχεία Επικοινωνίας Περιοχή Πρόσθετες Πληροφορίες
Πανελλήνιος Σύνδεσμος Επιχειρήσεων
Προστασίας Περιβάλλοντος (ΠΑΣΕΠΠΕ)
Τηλ.: 213 0383814
Fax: +30 210 8232045
Ελληνική Εταιρεία Διαχείρισης
Στερεών Αποβλήτων (ΕΕΔΣΑ)
Τηλ.: 2130 405324,
Αττική E-mail : info@eedsa.gr

Κατάλογος δικαιούχων στην Ρουμανία

Name Of
The Company
Contact Data Region Additional Information
ROREC- Romanian Association for Recycling Str. Sevastopol nr 24,
etaj 5, 010992,
Tel: 021/2327182, 021/2327183
Sector 1, Bucureşti
WEEE Collection
-Preparation and implementation of the action plan aiming at attaining waste electrical and electronic equipment collection, reuse, recycling and recovery targets;
- Endowment of municipal collection centres with adequate infrastructure – containers of various sizes and volumes depending on the specificity of the location/site;
- Collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment from households in 3 ways:
- Free take-over of used equipment from the store when purchasing a new one
- Take-over of used equipment from the municipal collection centre
- Organization of collections from the population on fixed dates
- Logistic support for the entire WEEE circuit – collection, transportation, temporary storage, recovery/recycling, and non-pollutant disposal;
Preparation of waste transport documents, including transportation for the Regional Development Agency (ADR);
Call centre – permanent telephone support in both B2C regime, and B2B regime.

IT Platform
-Specialized software platform for WEEE management, which integrates stores, retailers, collectors, carriers, and recyclers;
- WEB WEEE enables WEEE collection within maximum 24 hours from any location of the country using ADR transport inclusively;
-Accessible database with real time report generation.

ECOTIC Str. Pridvorului, Nr. 5A,
Sector 4, Bucuresti,
Telefon: 031.805.5742/43; 0372.77.27.27
developsits infrastructure for collection of WEEE and the management of the WEEE flows: collection points and generators - collection operators - treatment operators - recovery operators.

ECOTIC constantly organizes awareness campaigns both through collection campaigns,national campaigns in schools and also by the campaigns targeting companies and institutions
RECOLAMP Str. Stolnicului, nr. 6-10, Et. 3, Apt. 10, Sector 1,
Bucuresti, Romania
Tel:+ 40 21 223 02 56
Fax: + 40 21 223 02 57

http://www.recolamp.ro/roEmail: office (at) recolamp.ro
Recolamp is in charge of the following stages of the chain:
- selective collection in special locations;
- collection of lamp waste by the collectors, when the recipients are full;
- waste transportation to the factory specialized in light source recycling;
-treatment and recycling of burnt light sources in safety conditions for the environment and human health.
ENVIRON Strada Aromei, nr 88,
sector 2, București;
Tel: 021.528.03.68/69
Fax: 021.528.03.70
Call center: 031.827.0000
Email: secretariat[at]environ.ro
Endowment of municipal collection centres with adequate infrastructure – containers of various sizes and volumes depending on the specificity of the location/site;
Collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment from households in 3 ways:
- Free take-over of used equipment from the store when purchasing a new one
- Take-over of used equipment from the municipal collection centre
- Organization of collections from the population on fixed dates
-Logistic support for the entire WEEE circuit – collection, transportation, temporary storage, recovery/recycling, and non-pollutant disposal;
-Preparation of waste transport documents, including transportation for the Regional Development Agency (ADR);
-Call centre – permanent telephone support in both B2C regime, and B2B regime.

Tel+40 21 2000 493
CCR Logistics Systems RO S.R.L.
Reverse Logistics Group
Calea Dorobanţi nr. 53,Sector 1
010555 Bucureşti
Tel.:+40 21 2000 493
Fax:+40 21 2000 494

E-mail: office@ccrromania.ro
Free-of-charge counseling for registering the manufacturers in the NEPA registry
CCR NET – online system for managing data/ reporting
Selecting, managing and coordinating service providers
Delivery of containers at collecting points
Collecting and transporting WEEE under environmentally safe conditions
Treating, recovery, recycling or disposal of WEEE according to legal provisions
Issuing collecting, recovery, recycling or disposal proof
Directly reporting the collected / recycled quantities of EEE placed on the market to environmental authorities
Asociaţia ECOPOINT Sediu Social: Str. Fortului Nr. 31, Chitila, Romania.
Punct Lucru: Bdul Iancu de Hunedoara 2, Bl.H6, Sc.A, Ap26, Sect.1, Bucuresti
C.I.P.J.F.S.P.: Nr.9549 /94/ 2009
Presedinte: Florin Dobrescu
Vice Presedinte: Radu Panait – radu.panait@eco-point.ro
Director General: Mihai Marin – mihai.marin@eco-point.ro

educational programs
collection and treatment without discrimination of all types of waste electrical and electronic equipment, regardless of the amount proposed for contracting by businesses;
initiating research projects and studies in the field of collection, transportation, storage, evaluation and treatment of waste and publication of their results;
conducting educational programs and information / awareness about the benefits of selective waste collection for electrical and electronic equipment;
cooperation with other similar organizations, whether it's about associations or companies;
collaboration in order to implement the goals of any non-profit entity, institution, organization or any other person or entity for the performance goals of the association.

EcoTIC Str. Turturelelor, nr 48, parter, camera P8,sector 3, Bucuresti,
Telefon / Fax: 0318055742/43,0372/772727 Preşedinte: Valentin Negoiţă
Director General: Dragos Calugaru
E-mail: office@ecotic.rowww.ecotic.ro
Environ Str. George Bacovia, nr. 1 , Voluntari, judeţul Ilfov
Telefon: 021.528.03.68, 021.528.03.69
Fax: 021.528.03.70
Presedinte: Andrei Orban
E-mail: office@environ.ro www.environ.ro
CCR LOGISTICS SYSTEMS RO S.R.L. Calea Dorobanţi, nr 53, sectorul 1, Bucureşti
Preşedinte: Achim Winter
Alte persoane de contact: Dr. Gheorghe Loloiu
E-mail: gheorghe.loloiu@ccrromania.ro
E-mail: office@ccrromania.ro www.relectra.ro
Asociaţia ECOPOINT Str. Fortului, nr.31, Corp Administrativ C1, camera 8, Chitila, judeţul Ilfov
Tel/Fax: 021/3111865,
Presedinte:Florin Dobrescu
Adresa punctului de lucru:
Bd. Poligrafiei, nr. 75, etaj 5, sectorul 1, Bucuresti
Tel/Fax: 0376203746
e-mail:office@eco-point.ro, www.ecopoint.org.ro
Asociaţia ECOMOLD Calea Chisinaului, nr. 43,Iasi, judetul Iasi, Tel: 0232233900, Fax:0232231740,
Presedinte:Maricel Popa
Adresa de corespondenta:
str. Nicolaie Filipescu, nr. 53-55, etaj 1, cam.38, sector 2, Bucuresti, Tel/Fax: 0311077120
e-mail: office@ecomold.org.roWeb: www.ecomold.org.ro
Asociaţia ECO LIGHTING COLLECT Şos. Alexandriei, nr. 203A, sectorul 5, Bucureşti,
Tel/Fax: 021/4202341,
Preşedinte: Sandu Cristinel
Administrator:Crisoverghi Dorin
e-mail: office@elbielectric.ro

Κατάλογος δικαιούχων στην Αυστρία

Name Of
The Company
Contact Data Region Additional Information
Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband (ÖWAV) Marc-Aurel-Straße 5, A-1010 Wien, Tel. +43-1-535 57 20, Fax +43-1-535 40 64, buero@oewav.at Vienna Since 1909 the Austrian Water and Waste Management Association (ÖWAV) has represented the entire Austrian water and waste management sectors. The ÖWAV is a non profit organisation and is therefore considered an ”independent counsellor” with the goal of achieving sustainable water, wastewater and waste management objectives in Austria
For further information see: http://www.oewav.at/Page.aspx?target=136181&SetLanguage=2
Elektroaltgeräte Koordinierungsstelle Austria GmbH Mariahilfer Straße 84, 1070 Wien Vienna Central coordination and information platform in the field of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulation (WEEE Ordinance) and the batteries Regulation (batteries Regulation).
Abfall- und Abwasserwirtschaft, Fachverband der Wirtschaftskammer Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, 1045 WienÖsterreich;
Telefon: +43 (0)5 90 900
Fax: +43 (0)5 90 900 5535
Vienna The trade association waste and waste water management is founded in 2000 and is the legal representative ofcompanies that are active , for example in the areas of collection and treatment of waste, cleaning of road surfaces and the treatment of wastewater.
VÖEB - Verband Österreichischer Entsorgungsbetriebe - Austria 1030 Wien - Schwarzenbergplatz 4 - TEL (+43.1) 713 02 53 - FAX (+43.1) 715 21 07 - EMAIL: voeb(at)voeb.at Vienna Is the independent advocacy of commercial disposal companies in Austria.

Κατάλογος δικαιούχων στην Τσεχία 

Name Of The Company Contact Data Region Additional Information
ASEKOL, s.r.o. Československého exilu 2062/8, 143 00 Praha; info@esekol.cz; phone: +420 234 235 111 scope throughout the Czech Republic collective WEEE take-back system
ASEKOL Solar s.r.o. Československého exilu 2062/8, 143 00 Praha; info@esekolsolar.cz; phone: +420 234 235 287 scope throughout the Czech Republic collective WEEE take-back system
Bren, s.r.o. K Pasekám 4440, 760 01 Zlín; ksbren@emai.cz; phone: +420 577 009 610 scope throughout the Czech Republic collective WEEE take-back system
ECOPARTNER s.r.o. Novohradská 1145/99, 370 08 České Budějovice; brunclik@isofen.net; phone: +420 387 201 859 scope throughout the Czech Republic collective WEEE take-back system
EKOLAMP s.r.o. nám. I. P. Pavlova 1789/5, 120 00 Praha; info@ekolamp.cz; phone: +420 277 775 111 scope throughout the Czech Republic collective WEEE take-back system
ELEKTROWIN a.s. Michelská 300/60, 140 00 Praha; info@elektrowin.cz; phone: +420 241 091 833 scope throughout the Czech Republic collective WEEE take-back system
FitCraft Recyklace s.r.o. Semetín 473, 755 01 Vsetín; gehringer@volny.cz; phone: +420 608 274 374 scope throughout the Czech Republic collective WEEE take-back system
OFO - recycling s.r.o. nám. T. G. Masaryka 11/9, 690 02 Břeclav; oforec@oforec.cz; phone: +420 519 327 038 scope throughout the Czech Republic collective WEEE take-back system
PV Recovery, s.r.o. Antala Staška 1076/33a, 140 00 Praha; info@pvrecovery.cz; phone: +420 607 220 583 scope throughout the Czech Republic collective WEEE take-back system
Recycling Systems, s.r.o. Květoslava Mašity 409, 252 31 Všenory; info@recyclingsystems.cz scope throughout the Czech Republic collective WEEE take-back system
REMA PV Systém, a.s. Drnovská 1112/60, 161 00 Praha; info@remapvsystem.cz; phone: +420 225 988 098 scope throughout the Czech Republic collective WEEE take-back system
REMA Systém, a.s. Velké Kunratické 1570/3a, 148 00 Praha; info@remasystem.cz; phone: +420 225 988 001 scope throughout the Czech Republic collective WEEE take-back system
REsolar s.r.o. Drtinova 557/10, 150 00 Praha; info@resolar.cz; phone: +420 227 018 467 scope throughout the Czech Republic collective WEEE take-back system
RETELA, s.r.o. Neklanova 152/44, 128 00 Praha; retela@retela.cz; phone: +420 224 910 402 scope throughout the Czech Republic collective WEEE take-back system


Κατάλογος δικαιούχων στην Σλοβενία


Name Of
The Company
Contact Data Region Additional Information
Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor Direktorat za okolje
Litostrojska cesta 54
1000 Ljubljana
tel. 01 478 74 00
Ljubljana When a product becomes waste,
the legislation from the field
of waste management starts
to apply to it. In Slovenia, the
fundamental European policies
are being followed which as
a priority schedule the
legislation and prevention of
the generation of waste and
management of waste.

RECDEV | Innovative solutions for WEEE Recycling Industry


Project number540527-LLP1-2013-1-GR-LEONARDO-LMP

Contract no. 3013-3087/001-001

Το σχέδιο αυτό χρηματοδοτήθηκε με την υποστήριξη της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής. Η παρούσα δημοσίευση (ανακοίνωση) δεσμεύει μόνο τον συντάκτη της και η Επιτροπή δεν ευθύνεται για τυχόν χρήση των πληροφοριών που περιέχονται σε αυτήν
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