
About RECDEV Project

The production of Electric and Electronic equipment is one of the most developing sectors of the universal industrial production. This development makes these products as one of the most important waste categories that need to be treated properly. In the last decade, significant efforts towards the management of this problem where noted, due to the fact that the life time of these products is reducing. One crucial element of the recycling process is the early identification and removal of the toxic parts of the aforementioned products. Then the screening and disassembly of the different parts of each device follows, and the different materials are forwarded to the relevant factories. 

Knowledge is a key point of this procedure. Due to the huge number of different manufacturers, and the evolution of the relevant industries, it becomes sometimes hard to identify all parts of the devices and handle them properly (remove safely, try not to damage them). 

RECDEV project's objective is the development of ICT-based self- and distance learning training courses familiarizing learners/users with the disassembly of Electrical and electronic devices and the identification of types and qualities of materials embodied. It targets both low level workforce(disassembly), aiming at strengthening employability, safety at work and developing skills as well as higher employers (materials identification) covering a crucial training gap in the WEEE industry. The training material will be prepared in the form of scenarios, will be enhanced with multimedia material and developed so as to take the form of 3D training scenarios. The scenarios will in turn be transformed into 3D situations through Virtual Environment applications (ICT) stimulating the real world. In these 3D virtual representations of real devices will be enacted. The beneficiaries/learners will thus be able to participate in simulations of real-life situations (based on the training scenarios) and disassembly the devices. 

The 50 weee appliances modelled and transformed to 3D scenarios are available here.

The latest version of the 3D Tool is available here.

RECDEV | Innovative solutions for WEEE Recycling Industry


Project number540527-LLP1-2013-1-GR-LEONARDO-LMP

Contract no. 3013-3087/001-001

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication – Portal - reflects the views only of the author - the RECDEV consortium - and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 
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