
Work Packages

Work Packages

1.       Project Management


  1. To organize, plan and control the project, both from administrative and from technical point of view.
  2. To ensure continuous monitoring and evaluation of progress according to objectives.
  3. To establish peer-reviewing mechanism that will provide feedback to management (administrative – technical) about quality of deliverables and results of independent evaluation.


More specifically:

  1. Initiate the project with success by clearing out the project & work package objectives, the monitoring & reporting processes and the working responsibilities to all involved parties
  2. Set up & administrate the tools, operations & documents for the efficient cooperation & communication among all involved parties.
  3. Plan and monitor the required activities for the timely & qualitative implementation of the project deliverables within the planned work packages
  4. Monitor & control the project progress & resources, ensuring the direct and in-time information flow in every decision making level
  5. Identify potential risks & changes (internal or external) and manage them effectively through predefined techniques
  6. Close the project with success by delivering the project final outcomes and setting the basis for their commercialization


2.       Quality Assurance


  1. To ensure that the project reaches the highest standards of operation, outcomes and accountability, using all the stages of the CQAF (Common Quality Assurance Framework) model (planning; implementation; evaluation and assessment; review).
  2. To provide, at the end of the project, a critical evaluation of the project overall and, in particular, the extent to which it will have achieved its aims and objectives as defined at the outset.
  3. To ensure that the project has the benefit, throughout its life, of an ongoing critical evaluation and review of its operation and outcomes.
  4. To determine the extent to which the project is conforming to its work plan.
  5. To evaluate, and provide advice upon ways in which the project may have to adapt to unanticipated contextual factors in order to achieve its planned aims and objectives.
  6. To review and evaluate the effectiveness of the project’s relationship with stakeholders, users and sectoral bodies.
  7. To review and evaluate the contribution of individual partners to the project overall.
  8. To review and evaluate the effectives of the project’s procedures, activities and outcomes.
  9. The aim of the Quality Control Management plan is to approve, supervise and evaluate project process and partner performance in order to secure smooth progress and optimal results.

3.       Development of the training methodology and scenarios


  1. To establish common ground regarding the training courses framework (content outline and pedagogies)
  2. To define the specifications that the development of the training material will follow
  3. To develop two training courses based on training scenarios and the ontology for the two target groups.

4.       Development and setup of the virtual environments


  1. To set-up the pilot platforms (one for each country with the 3D training scenarios uploaded) along with the required documentation and supporting material. The methodology will follows to a degree the “Incremental Development Process Engineering (IDPE)”taking under consideration the basic principles of the Rational Unified Process.
  2. Its most important element is that the determination of the final solution is not covered totally in the beginning of the work package but is determined step by step through the development of prototypes that are used for the  extraction of additional requirements.

5.       Pilot implementation and evaluation


  1. The primary objective of the WP is to validate the RECDEV virtual environment to all participating countries as a training and support tool for the recycling of Electric and Electronic Devices.

6.       Dissemination


  1. The aim of this Work package is to disseminate project results among all the stakeholders in the participating countries.
  2. Early dissemination activities will attract stakeholders to participate and to commit themselves in the project proceedings.
  3. Later dissemination will focus on the mainstreaming of the project results in order to mobilize further beneficiaries to achieve recycling sector awareness.

7.       Exploitation of results


  1. To exploit the project results to the maximum capacity of the partnership
  2. To ensure valorisation in a partnership-wide concern
  3. To build the project’s reputation through media coverage and marketing opportunities
  4. Establish the finished product as a valuable and unique educational aid within recycling sector
  5. To ensure maximum uptake and mainstreaming of  products and results
  6. To effect changes at strategic level in the use of 3D based learning for the reconnecting of excluded communities to lifelong learning.


RECDEV | Innovative solutions for WEEE Recycling Industry


Project number540527-LLP1-2013-1-GR-LEONARDO-LMP

Contract no. 3013-3087/001-001

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication – Portal - reflects the views only of the author - the RECDEV consortium - and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 
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